About Me

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Well, been around since 1976, Taurus man. Married, children..3 of them.Now add one child (four children). Not much of a guy I am actually, but happy with my life nowadays together with my wife and siblings, although there are ups and downs. A fast learner as I want to describe myself, but flunk on my educations, only finished up to secondary. But thanks to ALLAH SWT, I was given a good career, working as a Technical Assistant at the Ministry Of Education. Well, that's all I can say about myself for now. Enjoy..

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Majlis Persandingan kedua mempelai (selepas diijab kabulkan), kira-kira jam 3.00ptg....

Selepas Persandingan Dyg Hadza Khairunissa dgn Awg Norsahdini... Berlangsung Majlis Hantar Berian & Akad Nikah kakak kepada Dyg Hadza Khairunissa.. Dyg Hadza Khairullena dgn Awg Hazmial Hapidz..yg berlangsung pada hari yg sama... STAY TUNED

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