About Me

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Well, been around since 1976, Taurus man. Married, children..3 of them.Now add one child (four children). Not much of a guy I am actually, but happy with my life nowadays together with my wife and siblings, although there are ups and downs. A fast learner as I want to describe myself, but flunk on my educations, only finished up to secondary. But thanks to ALLAH SWT, I was given a good career, working as a Technical Assistant at the Ministry Of Education. Well, that's all I can say about myself for now. Enjoy..

Monday, August 24, 2009


Every year our capital shines with decorative lighting during the night, marks his Majesty's Birthday. Eventhough this year, all events are cancel due to the spreading of the Influenza A, H1N1 Flu, but with motivation i want to capture pictures of our capital this year.. Enjoy all with these pictures that i've upload. Thanx to friends that went out with me on this outing, Aziz Photography, Mr. PhotoCreator & Sufri.


Out Of Focus said...

Not bad man.. I gotto do some night shots d brunei nanti... Love ur third foto..

PainQler said...

A good outings..
Which i miss being there..

Maybe one of this day..
I'll be side by side with the man call 3A...

rasmoissalle said...

really nice and amazing nite shots bro!!

really like all da lite !!!